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Days passed, and perhaps one day, when I am old, recalled the past, to follow the traces of the old, to find once the memory and at that moment, that day, and even some of the changes that an era and deeds.  If you wish, I welcome you to join me quietly appreciate our common experience to flourish but full of worries and hopes of the times

** ייַנטיילן דעם בלאָג **

אַלגעמיינע אינפארמאציע


שאַפונג: 26/09/2013 04:02
דערהייַנטיקן: 01/04/2015 21:43
ארטיקלען 106
וויסיץ פון דער וואָך 36548
גאַנץ וויזיץ 558

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  A new comparative study found that the current H7N9 virus genetic diversity is the same as the H7 subtypes of avian influenza virus in Europe, which may indicate the ability of the virus to mutate strong, and its possible future variations inshould be vigilant.   European magazine recently published an online study reported that the Dutch National Public Health and Environment Research Institute and other institutions researchers together with Chinese counterparts to analyze the genetic data of the H7N9 virus and comparison with other viruses sell rs gold. Results found the three H7 virus gene diversity is same, therefore, the new virus may also be having a strong variation.   The variability of the current H7N9 virus mutation ability may be related to the avian influenza virus. Current H7N9 virus mutation ability may be related to the previous avian influenza virus. H7 subtypes of influenza virus continuing evidence of spread from person to person, but can not be ruled out that the H7N9 virus may be a risk of infection from person to person.   Therefore, Members should pay attention to personal hygiene, human life has only once, hope that we can all cherish. Hope us as little as possible to go to crowded places, we can at home playing runescape if we are boring. If you want to buy gold for rs, you can directly to rsgoldore, we have plenty of inventory and the right price, you will not regret to our site.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: The first quest of RuneScape 3 sixth Age started - 11/11/2013 00:02

  When free 3D browser game Runescape by Jagex 3 starts the first quest of the sixth age. The adventure can be used by all players in attack, as there are no special requirements.   The gods in RuneScape are returned and not hesitate for a moment to gain the inhabitants of Gielinor using their powerful influence for themselves! Since the launch of RuneScape 3 last month Jagex has lost no time in presenting the fans now the first quest for the new Unopened era RS Gold onlineshop is : The end of chivalry. It is together with the heroic Sir Owen to sneak into the fortress of the dreaded Black Knight and there, to locate a mysterious artifact on behalf of the powerful god Saradomin.   In addition to numerous mysteries await the adventurous and serious decisions that should be taken with caution, as these have far-reaching consequences in the game world. Members can also look forward to some special rewards after passing the quest, such as a complete set of matching objects, generous portions of Prayer and Combat EP and much more. The adventure can be used by all players in attack, as there are no special requirements and the difficulty level is automatically adapted to the level of the players. More click here

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Proteus arrives this month PS3 and PS Vita - 11/11/2013 22:41

  Or title originally released independant PC and Mac runescape old school gold , Proteus, will be released on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita month will not end and filled of novae and exclusive features.   Announced last July, the versions for the Sony consoles Given the title count Produced by Ed Koon with their distinguish remodeled and roomy que give you the functionality is already available from or January.   For the PlayStation Vita, I Terao players raising opportunity to a game world based on their current geographical location, although to how this will work or Both option remains as unknown one.   However, the news is not Here and MACIF version Both the PlayStation 3 is the portable version of Sony will be able to cash raising islands taking into account the meteorological conditions and the current date.   Or panel of the PS Vita will back hair also used title, more functionallity this future not just be revealed.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: The Bad and Good Part of FFXIV A Realm Reborn - 13/11/2013 23:11

  As we know that Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn will be released at the end of this month, according to the information disclosed from its official, we can see some good and bad part of this game.   First, let’s check what are the bad parts of this game runescape money . The map of this game cannot be precise. The map in FFXIV: ARR could use some serious work. It functions well enough as an actual map, but it is absolutely terrible at directing the player where to go for quests. If the quest objective is in the area you are currently in, then it's wonderful. Otherwise, it's a bit obtuse when trying to figure out where to go even you have enough ffxiv gil to buy a mount.   Another bad part is its fate system. As previously mentioned, one of the types of FATEs you'll encounter just isn't at all entertaining. Killing a lot of a specific type of enemy that you see spawn in front of you is pretty dull. On top of that, you will start to see the same FATEs appear in the same locations over and over again.   But this game also have its good parts. First, the story of this game is quite interesting. the cutscenes and general plot of FFXIV: ARR are quite engaging. The cutscenes are, naturally, very well-done, considering it’s the work of Square Enix. As a direct benefit, these well-done cutscenes actually got me to pay attention to the big plot points in the game's story, something that most MMOs don't even try to do.   At the same time, the picture of this game is very beautiful. It not only has the technical prowess to stand out, but the new-age Final Fantasy aesthetic looks as great as ever. I would seriously just stop sometimes and watch day turn into night, hoping no monster tried to attack me so I could take a cool screenshot.   Overall, this game is not bad and it is worth to have a try. At the very beginning, if you do not want to skip the low levels, you can use ffxiv power leveling to the level you desire and then you can start to play by yourself.