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Days passed, and perhaps one day, when I am old, recalled the past, to follow the traces of the old, to find once the memory and at that moment, that day, and even some of the changes that an era and deeds.  If you wish, I welcome you to join me quietly appreciate our common experience to flourish but full of worries and hopes of the times

** ייַנטיילן דעם בלאָג **

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שאַפונג: 26/09/2013 04:02
דערהייַנטיקן: 01/04/2015 21:43
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וויסיץ פון דער וואָך 38201
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Don’t worry you are a free players in the game - 16/12/2013 22:35

Tribute to Guthix (free players and members) The World Wakes has made runescape 2007 gold  players are excited across Gielinor. No-one in the game has been more affected than Guthix’s druids. On the outside Falador’s north gate, memstix and runestax are spreading the word. They are extolling the teachings of honoring his name and their god. It is very fun and you will find a lot of friends enjoying the World Wakes. The Sword of Edicts that can be displayed through the Gustomisation Interface are two-handed swords in the World Wakes. You can pick up a three-piece cosmetic set of Guthix-themed gear and emote by speaking to Memstix. Don’t worry you are a free players in the game. No matter you are a members or a free players in runescape, you can win the free gifts in the game. Catching enough Guthixian butterflies which have begun to manifest throughout the game world will unlock memories of Guthix himself, where all-new lore about Guthix's life as a mortal, his ascension to godhood, and his relationship with the goddess Seren will be revealed. Up to four memories can be unlocked each day, and there are 15 in total - keep catching those butterflies if you want to unlock them all! Members will also get XP in their lowest skill for each butterfly they catch. You won't earn XP or unlock any more memories for catching more than 20 butterflies per day, though. Finally, runestax and memstix are building a tribute stome for Guthix just north of Falador. You will find out how many players have done the same thing when you pay your own tribute to Guthix and donate a piece of rune essence to the stome. When the event is over, the stone will persist. The stone will act as a permanent prayer altar and small obelisk if the 250.000 rune essence is added across the game worlds. Join the game and join the World Wakes, you will find a new game world. Buy runescape accounts here now and begin your game journey. You can also sell runescape accounts on for real money. If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Old School POH updates - 18/12/2013 01:04

Today's update brings most of the Old Shool runescape 2007 gold for sale features for which you voted in Content Poll 12. Along with some popular changes for player-owned houses, there are some important tweaks to last month's godswords and Staff of the Dead. The special attack of the Staff Cheap Old Shool Rs Gold of the Dead - blocking some of the melee damage you take - is now counted as a Magic attack. In places like the Duel Arena, if the combat rules would forbid Magic, you will equally be unable to use this special attack. The Staff of the Dead can now autocast the 'Flames of Zamorak' spell. The staff can therefore be used as an alternative to the Zamorak Staff for casting that spell. When you are in your own player-owned house, you will now have a 'Kick' option for expelling unwanted guests. The Accurate combat mode of godswords has been changed from 'Stab' to 'Crush', since godswords have no stab-attack bonus. Godswords will now pop up a confirmation box when you try to dismantle them. The smoke from an incense burner in a player-owned house is now green to make it more visible. Monk robes are now counted as Saradomin items in the God Wars Dungeon. This change was originally made to RuneScape to accompany a graphical 07 Rs Gold update to those robes when the Perils of Ice Mountain quest was developed.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Card games are awesome Rs 3 Gold - 18/12/2013 23:52

Card games are awesome Rs 3 Gold! People of all ages can sit down and enjoy a good card game Cheap Rs3 Gold together, and few are as popular and well-known as Top Trumps RS3 Gold buy . As fantastic as Top Trumps are, though, they’ve always had a significant lack of Gielinor...until now! In partnership with Winning Buy OS Rs Gold Moves, we're launching the first RuneScape Top Trumps card pack, themed around the 'Monsters of RuneScape'. However, with so many great characters to choose from, we’re going to need your help to determine who will appear OS Rs Gold in our Top Trumps card decks. 15 character cards have been selected by the RuneScape Team and will definitely feature in the pack, but the remaining 15 spots will be down to your vote.Old School Fire Cape Over 30 monsters will battle Old Shool Rs Gold it out in a 07 Rs Gold members' poll each day for the next 15 days. The winners will make it into our Top Trumps deck, while the losers will be left to simmer in a pool of jealousy. Today’s epic choice is: Jade Vine vs Skeletal Horror Vote on your favourite now in our poll Cheap Old Shool Rs Gold and be sure to come back tomorrow for the next choice! We will announce all the winners once the polls have Cheap 07 Rs Gold ended. Good luck and vote well!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: Learn rsgoldore 3 and more knowledge - 19/12/2013 22:07

Learn rsgoldore 3 and more knowledge rsgoldore 3 is an online role-playing game, played in a browser, or as a standalone client OS X and Windows. Your task, fight monsters, process equipment or food, exploring, runescape 2007 gold for sale and so on. You can play for free, but there are many restrictions, unless you pay $ 8 or less per month. There is also a game store where you can buy clothes, animations, titles, pets, and so on. This is a free to play game, try a free game less detailed information, and freedom some demo. As a free agent, you can learn some skills, there are fewer tasks and bank space, can not have pets in rsgoldore 2007 Gold the house or in the game, and other membership benefits details, you can and can not do a free player. On the plus side, there are many battles, unique skills to learn, you are not limited to one class. You can be a mage a moment, a swordsman down, and then returned to the city, to prepare a feast to replenish your health. Final Fantasy XI / XIV The only other game, do the same thing, I like being able to do everything in a game of one character, without the need for low bid. You can also continue playing where you left off, no matter what platform you are. However, my rsgoldore 3 overall impression is negative a number of reasons. Initially give you a quest giver, the direction of where to go to complete the task. Then they removed, and find out where to go, is a bit difficult. Not marked on the map, you need to go somewhere, task description is not always beneficial.