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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif მუხლი: Elf City or Invention Skill? Which One Will You Vote For In Runescape? - 13/03/2014 00:33

Elf City or Invention Skill? Which one will you vote for in runescape? Recently, Jagex has published a BTS video catches up with Mods Mark and Dean  buy rs gold to talk about their first Power to the Players poll: Elf City or Invention Skill. Various players own different opinions. Let's see some players' opinion. Elf City Elf City is the long-awaited Crystal city of Prifddinas, which is probably the oldest surviving settlement in the history of Gielinor. Prifddinas is one of the few places that is displayed on the World Map but is inaccessible. Based on Jagex, elf city may be released with the Mourning's Ends Part III quest in early 2014. There are some players' opinions as below: 1. A city like that would be the perfect opportunity for Jagex to use it as an incentive for lower levels to aspire to want to one day be able to enter it, and complete the bucket load of quests needed to enter it. 2. I've been waiting for the Elven city quest for ages. 3. Would rather have something everyone has been wanting for years instead of another rushed skill with no lore Invention Skill Invention will be the 27th skill, which will be the companion skill to Divination. According to Mod Mark, it is man's defence against the gods. With this skill, players will be able to upgrade weapons and skilling tools. It will also be possible to create contraptions as well as lightning and soul weapons. Players will also be able to combine weapons that they already own. There are some players' opinions as below: 1. I'll likely be voting for Invention since I see it having more use in the long run, and we've waited this long for the next Elf quest, so I guess we can wait a bit longer. 2. I was planning on voting for Invention anyway. I saw the BTS and Mod Mark mentioned that the skill could grind for you. What's your opinion about that? Elf City or Invention Skill? Which one will you vote for in runescape? The Elf City is a huge update, as is the Invention skill. No matter which one is going to come out, let us look forward to it! The rsgoldall Team

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif მუხლი: In Runescape Make Monsters Agressive to Help You Strong - 17/03/2014 21:31

Within the publish-eoc aftermath, I believe we have all seen our great amount of individuals "Rage Giving up" within the new changes to the overall game. I personally have RS Gold  experienced a large amount of my buddies list, a minimum of 25 - 30% permanently go dead. As I credited this mostly to individuals either not grasping the idea of the brand new system, or just being reluctant to alter, certainly one of my very long time buddies, a Runescape veteran who began in 2002 permanently quit today over EOC, and as somebody who I understood the machine, I made the decision to determine what all of the fuss about. I've monster been using my skilled these past couple of several weeks, so combat has not really affected me. I switched to a different certainly one of my makes up about this. Alternatively account I personally use frequently, I've 17m attack Exp, 14m Defense Exp, 15m Attack Exp, and 18m range exp. Across my other accounts, I've a minimum of one more 20m Exp within my combat stats. I only say this, because as somebody who has gathered over 80m experience of combat in F2P as well as in P2P, i have certainly devoted lots of time to combat. The very first factor I felt upon training combat the very first time in EOC? RAGE. I attempted switching between melee and range, plus they were both horrible. I recall reading through, as well as hearing inside  07 runescape gold a LIVESTREAM: 'Don't worry, you will still have the ability to train while you did before. That also is available; we are really not getting rid of that." This either means... A) Jagex lied to all of us and merely assumed we'd accept it. Or B) Jagex has no clue how their gamers really trained before EOC.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif მუხლი: How The Cloud Is Changing The Video Game Business - 19/03/2014 01:54

Following its sold out Cloud Gaming Summit in San Jose, CA September 7-8, FC Business Intelligence is bringing the cloud conversation to London January 17-18, 2012 with Cloud Gaming Europe. Four of the leading speakers from the upcoming summit offer their thoughts on the opportunities that cloud gaming introduces to game makers, telecommunications and manufacturing industries and explain how this technology is literally changing the game business. The growth of cloud gaming companies like Gaikai and OnLive and the inclusion of the cloud in games for Apple and Android devices, as well as PC and console games, is just the beginning of this shift away from packaged goods. Nicholas Lovell is a former investment banker and web entrepreneur who provides strategy and marketing advice to game developers like Firefly and Rebellion and publishers like Atari and Square Enix. As Chief Games Officer at Bigpoint, Philip Reisberger works with his brother Tobias overseeing the strategic expansion of the casual online game company’s game portfolio, overall game design, and community management. Olivier Comte holds the dual positions as senior vice president of European video game distributor Namco Bandai Partners and general manager of Namco Bandai’s French subsidiary. And John Clark is Sega’s UK Managing Director and Digital Distribution Director (PC), a role that not only drives the packaged goods business in the UK market but, identifies and shapes the delivery of Sega’s market-leading PC content using evolving digital channels, covering EMEA and the United States. What role will the cloud play in the next generation of game consoles? Olivier Comte: I would be surprised if the new consoles don’t have more significant cloud functionality, if not for immediate use then at least in terms of future-proofing them for developments to come. I have no evidence of this, but I can imagine cloud gaming services that work in parallel with more traditional console operation. The extent of the cloud functionality will ultimately depend on how well it performs as a game delivery medium. Currently it remains a new, relatively unproven technology that relies very much on internet infrastructure to function effectively, which as we all know varies significantly from country to country and place to place. The console manufacturers will demand a high level of confidence in the technology and infrastructure before committing to it in their home consoles. Philip Reisberger: In the sense of a personal gaming ecosystem, the cloud becomes the layer that connects everything together and guarantees that the player can access his game – or a specific slice of that game – anywhere, anytime. The device becomes merely the window into the game. It’s up to the developer to decide what experience or function each window serves. Practically speaking, the cloud is also where a player’s account data is stored, managed, and most importantly – protected. Nicholas Lovell: That’s a broad question. Whether streaming or downloading will win, whether we get super thin clients leaving the processing in the cloud or much fatter clients that just talk to central databases: that is all up in the air. I’m pretty negative about the role of consoles, and am much more hopeful the the browser/tablet combination will make the market much more viable, vibrant, innovative and exciting. When you look at gaming today, there’s a lot of focus on the casual games space. I believe is reaching its peak and will start fading, but the social graph that it has created has been incredibly successful. Moving forward, we’ll see Facebook and Twitter integrations in lots of places, including tablets, Android, iPhones, and consoles. Games will use these social graphs to build connections. It won’t be about the URL, but using the social graph is absoliteltely key. I believe tablets are the future of entertainment consumption. They provide such a better form factor than laptops or consoles for gaming and any type of entertainment. John Clark : Instant access is the key and the initial exposure to the game will make a big difference. PR and advertising will always be the drivers in creating initial awareness rs 2007 gold  for our content – driving traffic and interest off the back of this is very important, when we have this, to be able to offer an immediate playable experience of “triple A” content is a great prospect.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif მუხლი: Some scams behavior tip in runescape - 20/03/2014 00:01

Plz listen to me good now,always looks on the  07 runescape gold second screen. Even if someone offers you 10 times of what you want to have and you already tried for 4 hours to sell the item. Looks on the second screen! I myself have thus lost several million. It hurts when you lose all the profits of the past few weeks because you have not you taken the 10 seconds to look at the second screen. General caution should be exercised in the name consist of many 0? o And zeros (eg 0o0o0o0o0123). These players use this name, so her reports she can not because the names are too hard to remember. In addition to the easily confused zeros and O? See Look at these people 3 times as strong back! I mention only a few examples of frequently occurring here. There are many types of scams miserable! You sell an item worth 1M. The scammer sets you 1500 Magic Logs into trade window. Value of log = 1.5 M rs gold. You are very happy animal and of course accepted, but suddenly: The trade is tight. The other player tells you, "Sorry, I clicked wrong!" and wishes to trade with you again. HOT on her since now the 500k profit! You can see the logs in the 1500 Trade window, and also accepts the second screen without looking to have thrown it. You say like "Ty" and is looking for someone who will buy you the Magic logs. You can find someone who sets purely the logs and reaps only a "lol n ***" of your opposite. What happened? You have offered to the other players just 1500 Willow logs. Price, about 45K gold. SHIT! You were just gescammed! Might have been avoided if calmly would have taken the time to look at the second screen.