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Ստեղծել ձեր սեփական օրագիրը!

Days passed, and perhaps one day, when I am old, recalled the past, to follow the traces of the old, to find once the memory and at that moment, that day, and even some of the changes that an era and deeds.  If you wish, I welcome you to join me quietly appreciate our common experience to flourish but full of worries and hopes of the times

** Կիսում սեփական օրագիրը **

Ընդհանուր տեղեկություններ


Ստեղծում: 26/09/2013 04:02
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Այցեր շաբաթում 38201
Ընդհանուր այցելություններ 558

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: Do Elevator Door Close Buttons Really Work? - 31/03/2015 21:04

Humans in modern society  Import Elevator have been conditioned to expect instant rewards when we push buttons. In most cases, such as when ordering a product from a vending machine, pressing a button brings about the desired result. However, some “placebo” buttons are designed to placate people and actually serve no purpose. One example is door close buttons in elevators. In many elevators installed after 1990, when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, the buttons don’t actually make the doors close any faster. In some elevators, the button can only be used by emergency personnel and requires a key. In some cases, the user must hold the button longer than most people attempt. There are several reasons why the buttons might not work in older elevators. They might not have been hooked up in the first place, they could be set to a delay, they could have been deactivated by the building’s owner, or they might have broken and never been fixed because the doors closed anyway and no one complained. Whether you press the button or not, the doors will close on their own. If you press the button and the doors close, you associate the two, even though pressing the button didn’t really cause the doors to close. Buttons in elevators are not the only common types of placebo buttons. Buttons at crosswalks used to allow people to make the lights change, but most have long since been disabled. Most cities found that it would have been expensive to replace or remove them, so they just left them there, even though they no longer serve any purpose. Thermostats on the walls in many office buildings don’t control the temperature. Many business owners have HVAC technicians install thermostats that aren’t connected to anything to make employees think they are controlling the temperature and to avoid costing the business more money. Placebo buttons are all around us. We have become so conditioned to expect rewards for our actions that we often associate an effect with our action, even when the action did nothing to produce the effect. Remember that the next time you are butttempted to press the door close on in an Elevator Factory.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Հոդված: IT News & Updates - 01/04/2015 21:43

Much like our customers Lawn Aerator , the IT department has been busy gearing up for the busy season. Several big “behind the scenes” projects the department is working on include: *Internal Software Enhancements. Customers will not see these enhancements but they will bring improvements to the staff and will make the workflow more efficient. *Server and Desktop Computer Upgrades. Equipment at many of our locations is in the process of being upgraded. This will provide faster processing times and stability. *My Coop Account. This feature on the website is currently being updated with a new look and many enhancements. The finished product will be in service as soon as it becomes available. *Accounts Payable imaging. The accounts payable program will be upgraded to include imaging of all purchase orders, receivers, and related invoices. This improvement will cut down on the amount of paperwork stored and will save a lot of time during the auditing process. The IT department continues to support the SQF related software that provides traceability of our commodities. They also support staff with day to day issues and customers with any website  Elevator for sell  issues they are experiencing.