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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Update today's three include everyone - 12/01/2014 22:02

Update today's three include everyone.First appearance, and update Coinshare, make high level boss battle groups enjoy fairness and convenience Coinshare  runescape 2007 gold for sale not bring negative impact on the economy. Next, we first to upgrade to the map of the world to make this important interface nearly instantaneous load and slick.Finally, we give new players a new tutorial whistle of one-stop travel the playability of the game Runescape, path system lead to the best rookie game provided the content of the front. Coinshare is the manner in which a craze for everyone can quickly when fighting in a group of friends, a fair return.So far, though, it caused some problems, for Runescape economy, because it means the special valuables are in setting the price to sell more, they will than other ways.Today's change to solve this problem, without sacrificing the conveniences and fairness, the system greatly. Under the new system, some valuable drops into pieces, instead of a coin.Each project is decomposed into the 120 and the average distribution in all eligible players.These will be sent directly to the player's bank, then you can on each player's choice of the price to be sold in the big exchanges.So those who buy these valuables in the market can buy the whole project, or to buy 120 pieces, and combine to make a choice between them.In this way, everyone use Coinshare get precious drop their cutting, at the same time let the drops in the natural economy work in Runescape. Today saw a series of world map improved techniques and tools, to make it become the indispensable tool of risk is also should.It looks great, too!As you can see, we have brought a new visual style, and smooth the font, so they are easier to read.The biggest changes are under the hood, though.Map may take as long as 10 seconds before loading, we are clever background of streaming media technology development means that now seems almost instantly.It won't slow down your machine, or, in most of the hardware to run on a solid 50 frames per second.For the new world map technology behind the further details, please mod JENESIS dev blog.This is just the beginning, and further improve the upcoming world map.Pay attention to from the department of defense colin upcoming dev blog! At the same time or other, we are constantly have new players, this means that a tutorial: suit up, in order to solve the tutorial island, on the basis of unstable defeat the dragon, just troll invasion.As to our commitment to bring new adventurers part of Gielinor, all we have been together, we have learned to create Ashdale: our new gaming experience. Ashdale traced back to the root of the runescape: this is a brand new tutorial islands, where each new players will begin their adventure runescape. Custom show the game Runescape, through many aspects of Ashdale operation will introduce young adventurer combat, skill training and boss battles in a simple and intuitive way, by experienced adventurer Gudrik guidance. We hope the new players in thick action, as soon as possible, so we Ashdale fastest tutorial? When it did so, though, path system takes over. Through adventure interface to access the system to new players the best early novice content and essential tasks. If you are not a new player, but want to own, head to the Taverley experience Ashdale and visit Gudrik in his house is in the south of the town. Have anything here to let everyone experience runescape easier, more fun. As always, give us your feedback on the BBS, and look forward to for the defense department's monthly mark behind the article later this week! Just for more Runescape Gold update news from

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: TokHaar-Kal is on hot sale now - 13/01/2014 20:57

The TokHaar-Kal (translated as Sacred-Rock of the victorious) is one of the two possible rewards (the other being an uncut onyx) for completing the Fight Kiln minigame. This cape  07 rs gold ties with the completionist cape for the highest strength bonus (+8) and highest defence bonuses (+12 in all stats). Completion of The Elder Kiln quest is required to enter The Fight Kiln. In addition, a fire cape must be sacrificed when entering the minigame for the first time. The Fight Kiln minigame consists of 37 waves of harsh enemies. Combat stats over level 90 are recommended, effectively making the cape available to high-level players only. A divine spirit shield and some Nex armour (Torva, Virtus or Pernix) are recommended although not required to complete the minigame. Currently, it does not work as a Fire cape when fighting Ice Strykewyrms. TokHaar-Kal can be stored on the cape rack in a Costume room of a Player-owned house.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Version Low Violence Saints Row 4 spotted in Steam - 14/01/2014 20:44

After Saints Row 4 has recently been banned RSGoldOre  from the Australian market due to the unjustified use of violence and other references deemed offensive today reach us information that a version of the title was reduced violence listed in the service Steam. According to the advanced details by Kotaku, the listing is only available to Australian consumers, although the differences between the concrete version "Low Violence" and the original version remain uncleared. Deep Silver has confirmed that Volition producer responsible for the Saints Row series, is making some changes to ensure that the title will be launched in all markets. Volition, the developer, is working again in some code to create a version of the game for this territory by removing content that may be deemed offensive, without reducing the formidable gameplay that fans know and love Saints Row.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: I believe we can continue to improve - 15/01/2014 20:54

If I had to choose the most recent significant event for me, this will be the successful introduction of bonds. Although we have in the battle against the zombies has made considerable progress, unfortunately, is still demand for gold farming and real-world trading services. Bond is introduced to give players direct beneficiaries to meet this demand by itself, and - as a direct consequence - the broken bonds of McKinnon impact. cheap rs gold  I am glad to see that the game has been a significant recovery in the economy. But for me, my favorite thing is the bond, the members all Runescape pay a premium service, as anyone can now earn through their efforts in the game. Even free players can now access the entire game - in the free -to-play games of the original pioneers, RUNESCAPE has come full circle, and now bonds allow anyone to take full advantage of the ability to do everything for free. I am also impressed to see how many friends and clans use - and continue to use - bonds to help their friends. If you are reading this article, as one RUNESCAPE new player, you may have experienced on Ashdale island beautiful new tutorial set. This is important, and we welcome new players into the game, I believe that the new open game experience shows that we continue to invest in maintaining a healthy Runescape in the very long term. Why not let us know your best and most memorable moments was in 2013 ? They discussed here. While it was a great season, I believe we can continue to improve, if we reflect on some of the things we did not get quite right. We as human beings, as you rest,cheap runescape 2007 gold so we made ??a mistake. The most important thing is that we learn and improve, so we have been doing a better game, give you better service.