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Days passed, and perhaps one day, when I am old, recalled the past, to follow the traces of the old, to find once the memory and at that moment, that day, and even some of the changes that an era and deeds.  If you wish, I welcome you to join me quietly appreciate our common experience to flourish but full of worries and hopes of the times

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif કલમ: The Diablo 3 Gold and Max Bid - 10/10/2013 02:18

  Well, there's one "edge case" exactly where the bid system will from time to time raise the quantity of the diablo 3 gold bid, since you asked it to fill in the max bid much higher compared to minimum by a lot less than five percent. Why? Due to the fact that there are some case the place the utmost bid you loaded in was a lot less than 5% in excess of whatsoever your opponent bid.   In that situation, that system can not meet every single design intention within the exact time. It can not bid for you personally at 5% greater simply because you failed to authorize the amount of cheap diablo 3 gold that high, but the max bid should be greater than the opponent's rs money . So how exactly does it solve the conflict?   The only real way that it moderately can buy diablo 3 gold when it can not bid the complete 5% enhance, it bids no matter what your actual highest bid was, and sets you for the successful bid at precisely that sum. The value didn't go up 5%, but it went up certain thing, acknowledging the fact that you approved a higher amount than your enemy.   That's what occurred from the condition I outlined over: the commenter and another person equally had bid quantities in contention from the very last couple of seconds possibly one other human being currently experienced a max bid in place, or both of those the commentator as well as the second-place bidder set max bids in within just the final few of seconds with the auction.   Just what exactly did the second-highest bidder actually bid in that exact auction? We do not know for certain, but it seems fairly plausible that it might have been some spherical amount like 116 million or one hundred twenty million.   It truly is not a flawless procedure, although. I am going to generate much more tomorrow regarding the down-side of this systemic tactic, and why which has led many people today to complain about Blizzard's preference of implementation.   Article source:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif કલમ: The Diablo 3 Gold and Max Bid - 10/10/2013 02:29

  Well, there's one "edge case" exactly where the bid system will from time to time raise the quantity of the diablo 3 gold bid, since you asked it to fill in the max bid much higher compared to minimum by a lot less than five percent. Why? Due to the fact that there are some case the place the utmost bid you loaded in was a lot less than 5% in excess of whatsoever your opponent bid.   In that situation, that system can not meet every single design intention within the exact time. It can not bid for you personally at 5% greater simply because you failed to authorize the amount of cheap diablo 3 gold that high, but the max bid should be greater than the opponent's rs money . So how exactly does it solve the conflict?   The only real way that it moderately can buy diablo 3 gold when it can not bid the complete 5% enhance, it bids no matter what your actual highest bid was, and sets you for the successful bid at precisely that sum. The value didn't go up 5%, but it went up certain thing, acknowledging the fact that you approved a higher amount than your enemy.   That's what occurred from the condition I outlined over: the commenter and another person equally had bid quantities in contention from the very last couple of seconds possibly one other human being currently experienced a max bid in place, or both of those the commentator as well as the second-place bidder set max bids in within just the final few of seconds with the auction.   Just what exactly did the second-highest bidder actually bid in that exact auction? We do not know for certain, but it seems fairly plausible that it might have been some spherical amount like 116 million or one hundred twenty million.   It truly is not a flawless procedure, although. I am going to generate much more tomorrow regarding the down-side of this systemic tactic, and why which has led many people today to complain about Blizzard's preference of implementation.   Article source:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif કલમ: WOW Poll: Which Battlefield Do You Like Most - 11/10/2013 00:56

  There is no doubt that many of you guys must have spent very big part of your time playing in the battlefields. Here you can not only search the best strategies, fight the most smart opponents and win abundant of wow rewards as well. Among so many battlefields, which is your favorite?   The most classic battlefield must be the Warsong Gulch. It is a flat and wide battlefield where you can see everything very easily. The rule for this battlefield is simple too. The part which gets three of the opponents’ flags first would be the winner. So, no matter how awesome skill you have cheap runescape gold , it is not a stage for you to show, just a place you should never forget the principle of the game. Always remember the flag is the most important. Sometimes, you even need to sacrifice yourself to protect the flags. So, it is really a place where good team corporation is needed. In the new patch 5.2, rules have been changed by some degree to make this battlefield more interesting and challenging. You should never miss it to get abundant of wow gold.   Of course, another classic battlefield must be the Arathi Basin. The rule in this battlefield is simple as well. The part who gets the 2000 points of the opponents’ resources would be the winner. There are several kinds of resources there. So, personally speaking, I think it is more complicated than the Warsong Gulch. Just remember your goal is the resources would help you a lot. Never be so addicted to the feeling of killing the opponents, remember it that the resource is the key to the success.   If you like the forms of the battle of the above two battlefields’, then you should choose the Eye of the Storm. It needs a bigger team than the Warsong Gulch. In Warsong Gulch, each part has only 10 players, while in Eye of the Storm, each part has 15 players. This battlefield is kind of the combination of the above two battlefields. You do not need to get the opponents’ flag, you should also try your best to take their towers. The longer you occupy the tower, the more war points you can accumulate to end and win the battle.   The most Intensive fights must be in Alterac Valley Mark. Here you need to try your best the opponents’ tower and tombs. So, in this battlefield, you really need to have a good plan. How to seize the chances and distribute the team members are the most important here.   Each battlefield is special and unique, so, which is your favorite?   1. Warsong Gulch1Vote   2. Alterac Valley Mark0Vote   3. The Eye of the Storm0Vote   4. Arathi Basin0Vote

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif કલમ: 4WOWGOLD: Share the Reason Why You Play the WoW with Us to Win the Prizes - 11/10/2013 01:07

  The World of Warcraft is just like a friend who has kept us company for years. When we change and grow up, it changes as well. We would never be mean to spend our leisure time to play in the WoW. In other people’s eyes, it may be really boring farming the wow gold, doing the quests, fighting in the raids and getting wow items. But in our players’ eyes, it is of endless of fun.   As for me, what attracts me most in the World of Warcraft is the wow items. The victory of the war, the killing of the big boss can not bring much happiness to me at all. But the wow items can. No matter I get it through random drop items, or buy it through the auction house, whenever I own some items I have been desired for long time, I would be happy for days. For some players, they are addicted to explore the new areas. The feeling of the first one to experience the new things make them feel so awesome. Many players do not sleep for days buy runescape gold , jut to make that record. When he did it, he would be the hero well-known among the players all around the world.   We could not deny that there are parts of the players who play this game just for killing times. They do not have special interests, and they do not want to go out after work, playing the world of warcraft is money-saving activity. They can spend long time in game with really low cost. Some play this game because they want to make new friends, some for the rare pets and mounts in game……   No matter what your reason is, you are welcome to share it with us. It is easy to join our discussion. Just leave messages on our facebook. You would have chance to win free wow gold. The more special your reason is, the bigger prize you will get. I would not tell you what the prize is correctly, but I promise you it is really a big surprise. What are you waiting for, join our discussion now.