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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: 4 Safety Tips for Winter Outdoor Burning - 19/03/2015 01:20

Winter is often a great time to get some Lawn Sweeper of your outdoor burning projects out of the way. Outdoor burning can be a great way to get rid of brush and other yard waste, unwanted paper (especially sensitive financial or medical documents), and certain burnable household wastes – as long as you do it safely and within the parameters of Larry Law. Here are our 4 top tips for outdoor burning in the wintertime: 1. Get all the required permits. Each state, and often each county or municipality, will have its own regulations regarding winter burning. Note that regulations regarding winter burning are often different from those for the summer and fall seasons. Some states require you to get a permit and then call to confirm that conditions are safe on the day that you intend to burn. Know all the specifics for your area before you begin. 2. Set up safely. For all backyard burning, we recommend using the DR BurnCage. The BurnCage not only makes burning easier and more efficient than an open flame or burn barrel, but it is also exponentially safer. All burning materials, ashes, sparks, and embers are contained in the rust-proof steel cage; it’s virtually impossible for the fire to spread. Plus, with temperatures of up to 1600° F, your burnables ignite and are reduced to ashes faster than you ever thought possible. Clear a space roughly 40 ft. in diameter to set up your BurnCage. In the winter, you may be tempted to forgo some of the usual safety measures, because it would seem that there is less plant life that could pose a risk. But remember that winter is when plant life is at its driest and most flammable. Even though the BurnCage is a much safer option, you still want to protect yourself. 3. Only burn the safe stuff. Backyard burning is great for dry, clean, non-toxic materials such as paper, cardboard, untreated wood, dry garden weeds, and leaves. Never burn things that you suspect could be toxic, such as painted wood, plastics, aerosol cans, or batteries. 4. Clean up properly. After using your BurnCage, allow the metal to completely cool before disassembling it. This shouldn’t take too long in the winter. Then, dispose of the ashes as you would dispose of any other waste. We don’t recommend spreading the ashes in your garden unless you burned exclusively garden weeds Car elevator  and clean wood.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: Why You Need a Lawn Sweeper - 22/03/2015 22:56

You may have thought about purchasing a Lawn Sweeper in the past, but quickly changed your mind. Even though many other people, including your neighbors, may currently be huge fans of their own lawn sweeper, you may still have considerable doubts about purchasing your own. This is primarily because of one key question that could be possibly burning through your mind even as you read this article – “why do I even need a lawn sweeper?” When it comes to purchasing landscaping equipment for their home, smart shoppers will always search for valid ways to justify their purchases before going through with them. How can you justify the purchase of a lawn sweeper? Why is it such a necessary tool to have? You Want to Save Time Unless you enjoy spending countless hours raking up lawn debris after you have already spent a lot of time mowing, plowing and working through your yard, then you should seriously consider purchasing a lawn sweeper. When you use these tools, you are actually able to complete the same task within a fraction of the time that you would have spent using a leaf blower or even a garden rake to accomplish the same goal. Therefore, the advantage of having more time to do other things not related to your lawn is one reason why you need to have it. You Want to Save Your Energy Do you enjoy feeling completely exhausted and burned out after you are completely done working on your yard? Many people seem to be completely wiped out after mowing their lawn, for instance, and decide to put off cleaning up their debris until a later time or even a later date. By prolonging this necessary task, however, the wind or inclement weather could easily turn a small issue of lawn debris and fallen leaves into a catastrophic mess. Using a lawn sweeper will allow you to complete the entire job, including the cleanup afterwards, and still have enough energy to spare for other activities. A Worthwhile Investment In addition to allowing you to save both time and energy, lawn sweepers are truly worthwhile investments that all homeowners should have simply because it is the next phase of advancing technology within this particular industry. Over time, there is always a more convenient and efficient tool that is introduced in the market that makes standard chores both inside and outside of the home much easier to complete. Think about why leaf blowers and garden rakes were invented in the first place! Short-Term Purchase, Long-Term Savings Lawn sweepers are just the next phase of efficiency when it comes to completing basic landscaping tasks and taking the proper care of your yard. There may be many other tools that you can use in order to get the job done, but you will not be able to enjoy the same level of efficiency, precision and quality results overall unless you make the wise decision to invest in a lawn sweeper. Regardless of the price that you will have to pay upfront for this particular tool, the time and energy that you will save in the long run by making that purchase  Freight Elevator will truly outweigh the actual cost.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: What it will Cost you to have an Elevator in your Home - 24/03/2015 21:07

How much it will cost you to have an Elevator to buy installed in your home will be based on several factors. While many believe that only the wealthy can afford the luxury of a home elevator, it is much more affordable than you think. Many people are installing elevators in their home for luxury, to increase property value, and to increase mobility. So what will it cost me? Depending on the drive system, size, and optional features, having a home elevator installed will run you anywhere from $15,000 up to $100,000. For many, you should expect to pay around $30,000 after installation, or about the same price as a new car. Just like with cars, the more extras you add the higher the price will be. Choosing custom sizes, custom colors, emergency phone, and other optional features, will increase the final price. What are my options? When looking for the right elevator for your home, you need to think about how you will be using it and what time of drive system you need. There are three main types of drive systems for home elevators; pneumatic, hydraulic, and cable driven. Pneumatic – If you are planning on using your home elevator for trips to the basement to get the laundry, a smaller pneumatic elevator would be perfect. Pneumatic elevators are the most affordable type of home elevator because they require no pit or machine room and use very little electricity. They use a pneumatic vacuum system to move the elevator cab between floors. They are perfect for smaller homes where space is limited. Hydraulic – However, if you use a wheelchair and plan to use your elevator to travel to several different floors, a larger hydraulic elevator would suit you better. Hydraulic elevators are the most expensive type of home elevator because they do require a pit and sometimes a machine room. They are quiet, smooth, and are considered the safest type of elevator. They are perfect for larger homes where a bigger cab is needed for traveling between several floors. Cable Driven – The last time of drive system is cable driven. They use a small motor, counterbalance, and track to carry the elevator cab between floors. This type of home elevator is popular with people who want to save on energy costs because there are many “green” models that use very little electricity. They are more expensive than pneumatic elevator but generally cheaper than hydraulic. So for around the same price of a new car you can have the convenience and luxury of an elevator in your home. Just like a car, a Home Elevator is an investment and there are different models to accommodate for your budget.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: Elevator independent service – Movers using the elevator - 26/03/2015 22:03

As an Elevator to buy contractor we receive many service calls indicating The elevator mechanic gets to the building and finds the door was knocked off, something stuck under the door or we find large items jammed in the elevator[see above]. There is a feature on some elevators called “independent service” which will allow people moving things to hold the doors and control the elevator. This feature is controlled by a key switch and is typically underutilized. Our recommendation is to first find out if you have independent service on your elevator system. If the elevator system does have independent service, do you have keys? If the building has keys make sure that everyone in the buildings knows that they need to use the independent service function when moving large items. Many buildings attached a moving cost and a key deposit to use the elevator to move. How to use independent service - To use the independent service feature is very simple. you put the key in the key switch, turn to the on position. When the key is in the on position the doors will remain open and the elevator will not take any hall calls. The person in the elevator has complete control of the elevator system. If a building is better educated on how to use the independent service feature on the elevator system you most probably will get fewer calls that the elevator is broken during moves. It is understood that building occupants will not always pay attention to the request that you must use the independent service feature but, if it saves a few service calls a year, the building will have fewer bills to pay the elevator contractor. As a contractor we are always more than happy to come out and show you how this feature on the elevator system  Elevator Company works