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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Are you in dire need to acquire the skills for fast WoW gold? - 29/11/2013 21:16

  In life, we in addition to hard work, study, make money and enjoy life, is the entertainment, playing games is one of them, but some people worry because of  rs gold playing games, but before we do every thing first should understand it, the game is no exception. Are you worried because you only have a small pile of gold? Are you in dire need to acquire the skills for fast WoW gold? Let me give you some helpful tips. Develop gold grinding skills - killing, gathering, and Auction House sales. Kill mobiles that drop both gold and cloth, or gold and skins. With these, you double your money. Pick up two gathering professions. I recommend mining and skinning. You can also combine mining and herbalism.   The gathering professions are consistent gold-makers in WoW. The three primary skills namely herbalism, skinning, and mining provide raw materials that players need for professions such as alchemy, leather-working and engineering. If you have good skinning skills, kill the yeti because they can give you fast WoW gold! Skinning provides leather that is needed for engineering, tailoring, and blacksmithing as well as leather-working. If you have at least twenty leathers, you can sell well to other players. There is also large demand for mined materials.   You will find that there are many skinnable beasts than mining nodes. I advise you to learn the skinning skill well in addition to mining skills. Herbalism is much more powerful when you reach a higher level. Do not combine mining with herbalism as they both use your mini-map to find nodes. Have a lot of patience for it would be difficult to farm several thousand gold per day on your own. Farming gold in World of Warcraft can be monotonous and boring because it is often very repetitive. But certainly there are tried and tested ways to make several hundred of gold per day.   There is a bunch of different ways to have fast WoW gold contained in the best-selling guides I will recommend to you. These contain in-depth advice that will let you make fast WoW gold and have your epic flying mount! You can collect enough gold for your epic amount if you read through these guides.   You can mix and match these methods or you can use just one method consistently. Choose a method you enjoy or mix things up and do different things. You will be surprised that by using my recommended guides, you can obtain masses of gold and have a gold mountain in just a short time!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: which found all Pandaria's magic ancient origin - 01/12/2013 23:20

  WOW 5.2 is under testing in test server. Meanwhile this version also adds a lot of new achievements and mounts. Let's see what change will be in 5.2 version and what new achievements are waiting us to finish. There are a lot of ways to gain new mounts. Items Sky  RS3 Gold buy shred is changed battle net permission bound. In other words the shreds all your little number gets will post to each other and compose crystal. New mounts   Armor riding pterodactyl, which will get gained after doing two months' daily tasks. Ghost charger skull: it maybe twitedFate. It is only a possibility. Holle east's heir: i don't know who will drop it and how. PS: the following is the introduction of the official patch document "Zandalar military is detecting Pandaria's coast line to find a perfect invasion point. Zandalar scout can be dealt by 1 or 2 players, but elite Zandalar messenger maybe need 5 heroes to challenge. Beating battle messenger will get special reward, such as professional materials, reputation or achievement, even one of three new mounts. It means except the normal way to gain, killing battle messenger is also possible to drop items."   Pandaria [the magic ancient heritage]NEW:the legendary antique which found all Pandaria's magic ancient origin. 10 achievement points. [the rise of Thor]NEW:legendary antique of found all Pandaria Thor. 10 achievement points. [Zandalar's decay]NEW:legendary antique which found all Pandaria's Zandalar. 10 achievement points. Pets against Tame the world: the rewarding cap's introduction is added. Mid-summer day [Pandaria outfire]NEW:quenching out all tribes' bonfire in Pandaria. (aliance) 10 achievement points. [Pandaria fire protector]NEW:worship Pandaria alliance flame.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: The most interesting is when you get playing a UI arrangement - 02/12/2013 23:11

Once you have become accustomed to the new operational plan in RuneScape 3, it's time to play the new user interface options. First, in a small map.  runescape 2007 gold The damn thing for so long, has been sitting on top of the bottom right corner, and particularly useful. I'll click on it automatically moves the place, but it is so small and difficult to read, I often ignored it. Now you can drag small map anywhere you want to make it much larger. This means that not only is the map easier to read and use, but you can also click on the small map area, you can not front, you can automatically itinerary. It really is convenient for those times when you're through a city with its own way to compete or shopping areas. I tend to be almost entirely by clicking on the small map, so this is a terrible discovery. Next, try to use the middle mouse wheel to zoom in and. Under normal circumstances, you would have to hold down the middle mousebutton or use the arrow keys to move around the camera to take a closer look at things, but generally are not very effective zoom in and out. Now you can further zoom in closer, so you can finally take a look at the new darling of armor or a new friend. It brings a whole new world, we always know where the level of detail, but not completely accessible. The most interesting is when you get playing a UI arrangement. You can change the size of any window, which means that you can finally have you always wanted, massive chat window, or in my case, the fragment ITTY chat window, I've always wanted. Hover your mouse over the shortcut menu brings several options, but now you can grab any one of these options - that is, your stock or skill window - tear off the shortcut bar, and place it anywhere you want want. This means that you can have almost all the windows open, as long as you want, a fantastic selection grinding out skills, manage inventory, or want ready access to equipment or information to the people. I especially like to have a task window opens when I saw I might need to take the next step. You can also exchange window, which means that you can switch to an open window to another, once you see the sign exchange, you can let them exchange places. Those times when you have a great layout, but want to switch information, but not the position of the two windows, which is very convenient. If you want to integrate Windows to a window, just one percent. It's simple and works perfectly. The whole thing can be locked, once you have it laid out to prevent accidental swaps or adjustments. It may seem almost silly, many UI improvements, and now, you will find in other online games for many years so excited, but Jagex go more than a few steps, and even modern games. Options, RuneScape there are many games that are a quarter of its age will be a good improvement. These new improvements, bringing new life to old games and help consolidate its security in the future MMO games.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Use statistical Barros gloves - 03/12/2013 22:48

RuneScape players can choose triple summon charm drops reward to play weekly delegation distracted, transfer. RuneScape delegation strategy basic strategy game, and Runescape delegation reward the return instructions. The charm of three calls time depends on RS3 Gold buy  the number of debris gathered to familiarize themselves with RuneScape Gold. Triple summon charm every three charm gathered two minutes subsidy fall time. The Runescape triple charm maximization strategy before and during the familiar the actual charm gatherings effective set. The Runescape players killed in triple summon charm decline, the most important thing is to take into account the limited window of time in which to collect the triple summon charm. Time is the most important resources must be focused on saving time and planning. To collect calls fastest charm, good wear defense, but focused on the offensive. Use statistical Barros gloves, Rune defender, and similar items, such as increasing the armor. Super or extreme Pharmacy. If the food supply is good, and the use of offensive statistics to promote prayer five minutes warning. More monsters to kill, summon charm RuneScape players can get. Extended stay treatment arms, as Guthan Saradomin Godsword and the Sorcerer's Stone in the Sword is very important. The cannon can sometimes be used to quickly kill. The decline in the percentage of the speed and glamor of the kill is another factor. NPC twice as often summon the charm down, but as long as the killing three times, will lead to an overall less charm. Damaged and need food factors must also be considered. RuneScape players must go to the bank food waste valuable triple summon charm decline. As GNOME, bones, peaches, some weapons, special attacks, and summon magic pet food delivery can be used to overcome this.