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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: New details about the massive hacker attack - 03/01/2014 22:46

Hacker Group Derp continue their DDoS attacks against big game and gambling sites. In the beginning of this week Derp runescape 2007 gold attention after being persecuted Twitch-gamer James "Phantoml0rd" Vargas and lowered the servers to all the games he undertook. It all ended with the police did a crackdown against Vargas home with automatic weapons at the ready. - Two houses away, I see three police cars and about seven policemen. Some of them stand behind their cars. The first thing I see is a guy leaning against a tree with an automatic weapon. James "Phantoml0rd" Vargas could not believe his eyes when he went out from his home to talk to the pizza guy. But it was not long before he realized what had happened: someone had called the police to fuck with Vargas. After being forced to kneel and become coated with handcuffs he was allowed to explain the situation. - In retrospect, I learned that there was someone who had called and told of a hostage situation - that I was holding five people hostage, says Vargas on his Youtube channel. Lowered several sites On Monday, people were convinced that it was the hacker group Derp who got hold of Vargas' personal information and made the call - it was, after all, those who had the DDoS-attacked all the games Vargas played on his Twitch page - but Derp themselves swear himself free and says that it was someone else. Phantoml0rd say they feel good in the circumstances. Derp has continued its attacks on games and gaming sites. On his Twitter page, they boast about, among other things, have lowered,, and Hunted by federal agents Apparently, federal agents will be looking for them now. Derp seems to choose his victims carefully. After a Twitter user asked Derp lowering "Counter-strike: Global offensive" replied like this: - If we do so will delay the Valve "Half-Life 3" further an eternity.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: Ghostcrawler Discusses Why World of Warcraft Dungeons Are Hard - 05/01/2014 22:21

If you’ve done any of the dungeon content in World of Warcraft since Cataclysm came out then you might have noticed something. Yes, dungeons are actually difficult again!  rs gold 2007 Obviously this has not gone unnoticed, with the community split between impatient souls who expected easy gear and those who, like me, are relishing the challenge. As a result, Ghostcrawler’s timely Essay of the Week is amusing titled: ”Wow, Dungeons are Hard!” I know I say this every week but Ghostcrawler’s opuses really are required reading and this one is particularly relevant given the shock experience by many the first time they entered a Cataclysm dungeon. Yes, we’ve all been there, whether it’s a Tank zerging in where even Dragon Aspects fear to tread or the healers OOMing not because they’re crap but because their spells are literally draining every last drop of the blue stuff. Then, of course, there are the people who realise this dungeon won’t be taking under five minutes or get annoyed with the wipefest and just /p quit. For this reason, Ghostcrawler hasn’t just commented on this, he’s being helpful and supplies a list of tips for dealing with any kind of dungeon heroic situation you can think of. The fact of the matter remains, the Easy Street days of Wrath are long gone and heroics are heroics for a reason so get used to it. So, while you’re waiting for the Dungeon Finder to teleport you into that latest pug, do go give his latest essay a read, if just for the knowledge that Ghostcrawler owns four dogs and that while his three retrievers are epic, he also has a green terrier for disenchanting purposes.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: We asked you your opinion, and you answered us! - 08/01/2014 22:44

We asked you your opinion, and you answered us! Over 60% of you voted against the  runescape 2007 gold for sale implementation of the prestige system in RuneScape. We have clearly heard your desire to see greater incentives to implement content and a competitive environment for high-level players, but in your eyes, the prestige system is not the solution that will meet these expectations. Mod Pips soon publish a more detailed analysis of the vote, but in the meantime, the result is very clear: the system will not be implemented prestige at stake Personally, I am happy with this result. I'd much rather start from scratch rather than implement an update that is not the happiness of the players to whom it is intended. You were also many to send us your comments which were, for the most part, very constructive. You told us, for example, explained the reasons why you voted against the prestige system, factors that could make you change your mind, or what you would like to see implemented in the game instead of the prestige system . A big thank you for all these suggestions. And continue to give us your opinion! Even if you do not receive a reply to J-mod, do not think that we do not take note of your message as well. Players and developers must work as a team and that's what we mean when we say that RuneScape is your game So what will it happen now? We will reassess our goals and projects in the light of what you told us. Keeping your suggestions in mind, we will look at new ideas that better meet your needs and how you want to play RuneScape. This step lead to the development of a single, coherent and sustainable system, or multiple systems from which you should choose, we look forward to working with you. We do not abandon the idea to offer the contents of challenging game, but we want to ensure that you enjoy these projects. Discuss it here .

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: You need runescape gold everywhere to buy items - 09/01/2014 22:33

With development of runescape, there are versions of rs gold  players can choose to play. One is called runescape 3, and the other one is call 2007 runescape or runescape old school. Different players choose different versions, but no matter which version you choose to play, you need to face a problem, how to get enough runescape gold to pay bills in runescape. Yes, it is definitely true! Runescape life is almost the same with real life. You need runescape gold everywhere to buy items, stuff or weapons. But how to get runescape gold is really top important to every players. If you are playing runescape 3, you need find ways for runescape 3 gold; if you play runescape old school or 2007 runescape (or you can call it classic runescape), you need ways for 2007 rs gold (or rs old school gold) as well. But did you find the best ways for runescape gold you want yet? It is definitely true that different players get different ways to get runescape gold. Maybe there are a few ways for a runescape player to get runescape gold. Maybe he can make it with his skills, or he can go PK for gold, or whatever, but which one will be the best and easy way to get runescape gold finally. We must admit that it is to buy runescape gold online for trusted rs gold seller or rs gold shops. So where is best rs gold seller or rs gold shop? If you are not sure where to go, we can really understand. Because there are hundreds of runescape gold shops selling runescape gold online. So it is really take time if you compare one by one. But it is unnecessary for you to do that, because we are here to help you out of troubles. As a best rs gold shop, we are providing cheap runescape gold to all runescape players who want runescape gold. There are runescape 3 gold for players in runescape 3 and 2007 rs gold for sale for 2007 runescape players. So why not have a try and buy runescape gold cheap from best place where you go for cheapest runescape gold now as playing runescpae. We are ready here for you anytime as you want!